Monday, April 04, 2005

Normal Service Resumed

It's Monday again, normal service has been resumed. Deciding that it was merely an April fool's joke, I cancelled my trip to Sudan and got pissed instead. The problem with Sunday sessions is having to get up for work the next day. It does however give a perfectly good excuse to usher out the door the girl who slept in your bed last night; who you swear looked a lot more attractive yesterday after 8 pints of lager. This concept should no longer surprise me.
In any case, I was fine today, just not really on the ball. That was really the case with everyone else too. I was stoked on Friday night when I got home and found the Waratahs game was actually going to be shown on tele in the morning, not so stoked about the result, but not too worry there were still some positives to come out of the game. I personally blame Mat Rogers for the loss; his presence was really needed this week and he let the team down by not being fit for the match, he's soft.

There's plenty to be said about the important events over the weekend, but I'll do that tomorrow.